Author: Luis Durani

Tuesday night demonstrated once again the momentum behind Donald Trump and presumption that Hilary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Trump not only managed to secure a sweep of all 5 states for grabs but with a majority of votes in each one. Even though Clinton could not tout a…

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As the Middle East plunges into further chaos and tensions with Russia continue to escalate, Turkey is looking to the East to reduce its reliance on NATO. In an effort to revitalize the ancient Silk Road under the Belt and Road initiative, China has laid out a plan for closer…

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A landmark deal Recently, at COP21, more than 195 nations came together to deliver a ‘landmark deal’ on climate change. With the global community in agreement, the deal proposes to reduce greenhouse emissions to a level that will limit the global average temperature rise to only 2.0°C (3.6°F). The emission…

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The first trading day of 2016 witnessed the global markets plunging due to new fears that growth is slowing in China. The global economic conditions for 2016 appear to be heading towards a bumpy start based on the release of fourth quarter economic data for China. The data for the…

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Taliban’s new enemy The status of the new Taliban leader Mullah Mansour appears to be uncertain after reports indicate that he might have been killed attending a meeting. There is speculation that ISIS may have been behind the attack. If confirmed, it would be a serious setback for the Taliban…

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A new reserve currency China is officially joining the exclusive club of reserve currencies. Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently gave the approval for China’s Yuan (also known as Reminbi) to join the US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Pound Sterling, and Swiss Franc as a reserve currency.…

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Mary Shelley’s epic novel ‘Frankenstein’ is a undeniable classic. Dr. Frankenstein, in his quest to create life, created an abomination, a grotesque and despised creature that terrorizes others. The novel is more than simply a story. Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ symbolises the continuous struggle between the responsibility of creator and creation. Despite the…

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In the past couple of months, the value of Bitcoins has sky-rocketed from $250 to over $400. This rise can be partially attributed to investors who view the currency as a safer place to park their money relative to other investments. As central banks in the major economies attempt to…

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Recently in a meeting with the heads of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), President Putin announced that he wants to put together a military coalition consisting of troops from each of the member states[1]. In a bid to continue the fight against the growing threat of international terrorism, President…

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The shift of power from the West to the East is currently underway. Many attribute this change to the rise of China, who stands as a potential rival to US hegemony. But China alone cannot cause a change in the world order. China needs allies to help foster this transference…

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