“There is only one male white Northern rhino left on the entire planet. It is truly terrifying”


Africa Confirms White Male Rhinos Nearly Extinct

Why do we only start to care about something when it’s almost too late? Is it human nature or simply ignorance? The paradox: now we are forced to protect what is sacred with weapons to destroy.

It’s so sad that nowadays people are doing anything to use nature and natural resources for their advantage, without considering the future – when all of our natural gifts will be gone. How long will we live by eating paper money?

The fact that there is only one male white Northern rhino left on the entire planet is truly terrifying. He is the rarest rhino subspecies.

The 40-year-old animal named Sudan and two female white rhinos are guarded 24/7 by dedicated rangers at the Pejeta Conservancy, a non-profit wildlife conservancy in Kenya which supports species, tourism and community outreach.

“During daily night-time patrols I assign rangers on the armed team patrol areas and equip them with all they need like ammunition, night-vision goggles and GPS units”  says Simon Irungu, armed team commander and Kenya Police reservist at Ol Pejeta Conservancy.  “We often find ourselves in the line of fire to protect the rhino – its part of the job, especially while foiling attempted poaching attacks.”

To keep Sudan rhino safe from ruthless poaching his horn was removed. According to the world of animals website, rhino horn is now more valuable than gold, at 60,000 US dollars per kilogram and is used in Asian medicine. Last year in South Africa alone 1215 rhinos were killed. Yet only 344 rhino poaches were arrested.

These are sad numbers but there is a hope that in the near future Sudan will produce progeny and maybe one day we will be able to admire the little white rhino with a cute little horn playing on the grass. There is nothing more beautiful than creatures full of life, energy and as they were born, unaltered by human hands.

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